Pelatihan Inovasi Olahan Singkong Getuk Mawar di Kampung Wisata Keceh Asmoro Mangunharjo Tembalang Kota Semarang
Training, Rose Cassava Getuk Innovation, Keceh Asmoro Tourism VillageAbstract
Training on Cassava Rose Getuk Processing Innovation in Keceh Asmoro Tourism Village, Mangunharjo, Tembalang, Semarang City. Several villages in the Semarang area have the potential to be developed into attractive tourist destinations, both for local and foreign tourists, natural tourist attractions such as the Ungaran mountains and the beaches around Semarang are also special attractions. One of the tourist villages in Semarang City that is currently being developed is the Keceh Asmoro Mangunharjo Tembalang Tourism Village pilot. This village is a unique tourist destination because it has tourism potential in one location, both natural, environmental and local potential. The Keceh Asmoro Tourism Village destination has a lot of good potential that can be developed, apart from nature, as well as local cassava food production. Training on processed cassava getuk rose innovation in the Keceh Asmoro Mangunharjo Tourism Village was carried out to increase the added value of local products and support tourism development in the region. Wisata Keceh Asmoro Village in the Mangunharjo sub-district also has local produce, namely cassava food. With this training, it is hoped that the community will be able to utilize local ingredients which are widely available in that place and local actors there can learn innovative ways of making cassava getuk in other forms so that they can increase the creativity and expertise of UMKM in making food, especially cassava getuk rose.
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