Implementasi Penyusunan Paket Wisata dengan Kemampuan Interpretasi “Story Telling” pada Destinasi Super Prioritas Likupang, Minahasa Utara
Excellent service, story telling, Likupang, Technical guidance, Tour PackagesAbstract
Implementation of Tourism Package Arrangement with “Story Telling” Interpretation Capability at Likupang Super Priority Destinations, North Minahasa. This activity aims to improve the skills of tour guide business actors in the super-priority destinations of Likupang, North Minahasa. The problems in Likupang include the lack of excellent service for tour guides. This has an impact on the interest of tourists visiting. The Bimtek process consists of 2 (two) stages, the knowledge transfer stage through theoretical classes and the demonstration stage through practice at tourist objects. Bimtek materials include Excellent Service, Tour Packages and "Story Telling". The achievement of this material is the participants' understanding of the preparation of tour packages with the ability to interpret with the Story Telling technique. In general, the material's content benefits Bimtek participants, 96% of respondents find it very useful, and 4% find it useful. It is hoped that future Bimtek activities will involve interventions on institutional aspects and foreign language skills.
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