Desa Wisata Gerbang Utama Bantul

Inovasi Kegiatan Kepariwisataan dan Umkm untuk Kemandirian Ekonomi Masyarakat Kalurahan Trimurti


  • Fian Damasdino STP AMPTA Yogyakarta
  • Fuadi Afif STP AMPTA Yogyakarta
  • sahlit sugesti STP AMPTA
  • Anggita Dyah Putri Nuraeni STP AMPTA Yogyakarta
  • Bulqis Purnama Dewi STP AMPTA Yogyakarta
  • Nur Dina Camelia
  • M. Ikhlasul Amal STP AMPTA Yogyakarta
  • Anggi Puspa Baharezky STP AMPTA Yogyakarta
  • Viya Riska Safitri STP AMPTA Yogyakarta



tourism activities, human resources, SMEs, kegiatan kepariwisataan, UMKM


Bantul Main Gate Tourism Village: The Innovation of Tourism And Smes Activities for The Economic Independence of Trimurti Sub-Distric Comunity.

Community service activities in the Trimurti Village focus on the Development of Tourism and SMEs. It was carried out using the Participatory Action Research (PAR) model, and it was then elaborated into several stages; situation analysis, partner group mapping, priority issue focus-based program, the application of solution resulting from the research, socialization, program implementation, supervision, monitoring, and evaluation. This activity aims to increase the economic independence of the people of Trimurti village as some weaknesses in terms of tour package making, product packaging, and digital social media-based marketing, which should be considered adequate as a marketing medium to attract the youth tourism market, can still be found. Tourism and SMEs' product packaging skill that can be considered lacking, including digital marketing, has made this village's potential less competitive in marketing compared to other districts in Bantul and DIY regions. The forms of activity programs that have been implemented during community service activities in Trimurti Village include (1) the Development of story comics guiding tours for Tourism Villages, (2) technical supervision for tourism village guiding, (3) preparation and calculation Training for tour package price rates for tourism villages (4) Implementation of the use of digital technology for tourism villages and tour packages sales (5) SMEs product photo training (6) Photography and digital content training for SMEs products (7) SMEs product designing and packaging training (8) SMEs product branding training (9) Social media management training for SMEs products selling accounts (10) SMEs product selling on the marketplace training (11) QRIS implementation as a marketplace payment method (12) Managing the legality of SMEs businesses.

Author Biographies

Fian Damasdino, STP AMPTA Yogyakarta

Dosen Jurusan Pariwisata di STP AMPTA Yogyakarta

Fuadi Afif, STP AMPTA Yogyakarta

Dosen Jurusan Pariwisata di STP AMPTA Yogyakarta

Anggita Dyah Putri Nuraeni, STP AMPTA Yogyakarta

mahasiswa di STP AMPTA Yogyakarta

Bulqis Purnama Dewi , STP AMPTA Yogyakarta

Mahasiswa di STP AMPTA Yogyakarta

M. Ikhlasul Amal, STP AMPTA Yogyakarta

Mahasiswa di STP AMPTA Yogyakarta

Anggi Puspa Baharezky, STP AMPTA Yogyakarta

Mahasiswa di STP AMPTA Yogyakarta

Viya Riska Safitri, STP AMPTA Yogyakarta

Mahasiswa STP AMPTA Yogyakarta


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How to Cite

Damasdino, F., Afif, F., sugesti, sahlit, Putri Nuraeni, A. D. ., Purnama Dewi , B., Camelia, N. D., Amal, M. I. ., Baharezky, A. P., & Safitri, V. R. (2023). Desa Wisata Gerbang Utama Bantul: Inovasi Kegiatan Kepariwisataan dan Umkm untuk Kemandirian Ekonomi Masyarakat Kalurahan Trimurti. Jurnal Abdimas Pariwisata, 4(1), 84–93.

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