Menghidupkan Cerita Desa Wisata Cikakak
Pelatihan Mandarin untuk Mendongkrak Daya Tarik Rural Tourism
Tourism Potential, Kelompok Sadar Wisata, Cikakak Tourism Village, Potensi Wisata, Desa Wisata Cikakak, storytelling, Promosi wisata, Tourism PromotionAbstract
Bringing Cikakak Tourism Village Stories to Life: Mandarin Training to Boost Rural Tourism Appeal
Cikakak Tourism Village in Banyumas Regency holds significant potential as a rural tourism destination that combines natural, cultural, and religious aspects. However, the Saka Tunggal Tourism Awareness Group (Pokdarwis) faces challenges in presenting tourism information narratively (storytelling), particularly in Mandarin, to attract foreign tourists, especially from China. This article discusses the results of the "Mandarin for Storytelling" training aimed at enhancing the narrative skills of Pokdarwis members in promoting the tourism potential of Cikakak Village. The method employed involved interactive training sessions with pretest and posttest evaluations. The training results indicated an improvement in participants' understanding of using storytelling as a promotional medium, although further assistance is needed in producing interactive content for websites and video storytelling. This training is expected to support the branding efforts of Cikakak Tourism Village as a leading cultural tourism destination.
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