Pengaruh Substitusi Tepung Kedelai terhadap Kualitas Biskuit
Substitution of Soybean Flour, Quality, Soybean Flour BiscuitsAbstract
The research entitled The Effect of Substitution of Soybean Flour on Biscuit Quality is a type of research using a quantitative approach with an experimental method. The purpose is to know the effect of quality biscuits with soybean flour substitution with a different percentage that is equal to 50%, 25% and 10% viewed from the aspect of colour, flavour, aroma and texture. The experiments used 3 different types of treatment on the percentage of soy flour used ie, biscuit A with 50% soy flour, biscuit B with 25% soy flour, and C biscuits with 10% soy flour. Methods of data collection using subjective assessment of sensory tests taken from the results of a panellist assessment that includes assessment of colour, aroma, taste and texture on biscuits. The panel of researchers was 30 people taken by random sampling technique with considerations that included panellist knowledge about the sensory properties of biscuits in general. Methods of data analysis to test the hypothesis using the analysis of single classification variables and Tukey test, previously conducted precariat test that is homogeneity test and normality test. The result of the research with Anova test seen from the color aspect shows that (significant value (p-value) <0,05 = 0,000 <0,05) shows that there is significant difference from three substitution biscuit substitution biscuit, while from aroma aspect shows significant (p-value) <0,05 = 0,008 <0,05) indicated that there were significant differences from the three soybean substitution biscuit samples. Seen from the texture aspect showed (significant value (p-value) <0,05 = 0,000 <0,05) indicated that there was significant difference from three sample of soybean substitution biscuit. In terms of taste taste (significant value (p-value) <0.05 = 0.005 <0.05) indicates that there are significant differences from the three soybean substitution biscuit samples.
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