Leadership Rooted in Community-Based Local Wisdom Values


  • Hary Hermawan Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata AMPTA Yogyakarta
  • Dhimas Setyo Nugroho Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia
  • Fuadi Afif Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata AMPTA Yogyakarta
  • Anita Wijayanti Mahakarya Asia University
  • Albattat Ahmad Management and Science University, Malaysia
  • Marco Valeri Niccolò Cusano University, Italy




Leadership, Local Wisdom, Tourism Village, Management Community-based tourism, Sustainability, Community Welfare


Leadership in tourism villages that implement community-based tourism governance presents distinct challenges compared to company leadership. Tourism village leaders often encounter complex socio-cultural issues and conflicts, so leadership strategies and approaches are required to align with the local community's character and values. The research focuses on applying leadership that prioritizes local wisdom in community-based tourism management in tourism villages. The research method employed is qualitative, utilizing a grounded theory approach. The approach is used to dig the data from nine informants or participants. The participants in this research include heads of tourism villages who have successfully managed their villages for more than five years. The research results indicate that: (1) leadership based on local community wisdom values is a key element in ensuring the successful management and development of tourism villages. Effective leaders can mobilize and motivate the community, shift the mindsets, accommodate the volunteers, and optimize the community's social role. This leadership fosters a sustainable tourism village, positively impacting the economy and community welfare. (2) An inclusive, participative and deliberation-oriented approach becomes the leadership characteristic which prioritizes local wisdom values. This approach unites the community's vision and mission, listens to and accommodates aspirations, makes decisions democratically, and organizes active community participation effectively. (3) The success of leadership based on local wisdom values is measured not only by financial achievements but also by the ability to enhance community happiness, preserve the environment, ensure active community participation, and achieve predetermined goals. (4)The leadership model which prioritizes local wisdom values reflects a holistic and sustainable approach in tourism management. Local values and community participation are considered as the key success factors. This leadership illustrates the commitment to maintaining the local identity while creating sustainable benefits for the community and the surrounding environment.

Author Biographies

Hary Hermawan, Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata AMPTA Yogyakarta

Hary Hermawan, is a lecturer and researcher at Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata AMPTA Yogyakarta, Indonesia. His research focuses on hospitality, tourism, and community-based tourism development. He is also active as the Head of Research and Community Service at the institution. Email: haryhermawan8@gmail.com. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0948-3307.

Dhimas Setyo Nugroho, Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia

Dhimas Setyo Nugroho is a lecturer at Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia, with expertise in hospitality, tourism, and community-based tourism development. Email: dhimas.nugroho@ecampus.ut.ac.id. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5745-1836.

Fuadi Afif, Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata AMPTA Yogyakarta

Fuadi Afif is a Lecturer at the Bachelor of Tourism Program, STP AMPTA Yogyakarta. He completed his undergraduate studies in International Relations at UMY and pursued a Master’s degree in Tourism Studies at UGM Yogyakarta. In addition to teaching tourism and photography, Fuadi is an active practitioner in photography and digital marketing.

Email: fuadiafif@gmail.com

Orchid ID: https://orcid.org/0009-0005-5568-0677

Anita Wijayanti, Mahakarya Asia University

 Anita Wijayanti is a lecturer at Mahakarya Asia University, Indonesia, specializing in English language and tourism. Her research focuses on language education and its application in the tourism industry. Email: anitawijayanti.jogja@gmail.com.

Albattat Ahmad, Management and Science University, Malaysia

Albattat Ahmad is an Associate Professor at Management and Science University, Malaysia, specializing in hospitality and tourism management. He holds a doctoral degree in Hospitality Management from University Sains Malaysia and has extensive experience in academia and the Jordanian hospitality industry. He is an active member of several editorial boards. Email: dr.battat@msu.edu.my. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3127-4405.

Marco Valeri, Niccolò Cusano University, Italy

Marco Valeri is Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior at Niccolò Cusano University, Italy, with a PhD from "Tor Vergata" University. He also lectures at Xenophon College, UK, and holds positions at the University of Information Science and Technology, Macedonia, Taylor’s University, Malaysia, and Lovely Professional University, India. He is an Honorary Associate Professor at the University of Pannonia, Hungary, and an Associate Researcher at Magellan Research Center, France. His research includes strategy implementation, knowledge management, and crisis management. Email: marco.valeri@unicusano.it. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9744-506X.


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How to Cite

Hermawan, H., Nugroho, D. S., Afif, F., Wijayanti, . A., Ahmad, A., & Valeri, M. (2024). Leadership Rooted in Community-Based Local Wisdom Values. Media Wisata, 22(2), 237–258. https://doi.org/10.36276/mws.v22i2.762

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