The Effect of Store Atmosphere, Country of Origin, And Lifestyle on Repurchase Intention at The Ramen Store in Bandung City
Lifestyle, Intention of Repurchase, Store Atmosphere, Country of OriginAbstract
Culinary is one of the mainstay entrepreneurial sectors in the city of Bandung. Among the various culinary businesses that exist, one type of culinary business that is experiencing rapid development is ramen. The purpose of this study was to analyze the variables of Store Atmosphere, Country of Origin, Lifestyle, and Repurchase Intention at a ramen shop in Bandung. In addition, this study also aims to determine how the influence of Store Atmosphere, Country of Origin, and Lifestyle on Repurchase Intention at Ramen shops in Bandung. This type of research is quantitative research. The population in this study are consumers who have purchased ramen in the city of Bandung. The number of samples in this study was 100, with data collection carried out through observation, questionnaires, and documentation studies. The results of this study indicate that partially Store atmosphere, Country of Origin, and Lifestyle variables have a significant effect on the Repurchase Intention variable. Meanwhile, the Store Atmosphere, Country of Origin, and Lifestyle variables simultaneously significantly affect the Repurchase Intention variable.
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