The Effect of Product, Price, and Service Quality on Hotel Guest Satisfaction
Product, Price, Service Quality, Guest Satisfaction, Hotel IndustryAbstract
The Effect of Product, Price, and Service Quality on Hotel Guest Satisfaction
This study aims to determine the effect of the product, price, and service quality on hotel guest satisfaction, particularly in the Province of Yogyakarta. The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive. This research involved 154 guests. Data is collected, tabulated, and analyzed so conclusions can be obtained—data analysis using the Likert scale, multiple linear regression analysis, F-test stage of 5% level, T-test stage of 5% level, and coefficient of determination. The final result based on multiple linear regression analysis shows that product, price, and service quality variables positively affect guest satisfaction. T-test analysis shows that the product, price, and service quality variables have a probability value smaller than 0,05. F-test analysis shows that the probability value of 0,000 is smaller than 0,05. Based on the coefficient of determination shows that adjusted R2 value of 0.846. This means that product, price, and service quality significantly affect guest satisfaction by 84,6%. This study shows that the improvement in product, price, and service quality, will increase guest satisfaction in the Hotel and vice versa.
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