Membangun Ekonomi Kreatif melalui Wisata Batik sebagai Upaya Membangkitkan Perekonomian Lokal di Era Kebiasaan Baru Desa Wisata Jarum Bayat
Upaya, batik, BayatAbstract
Developing a creative economy through batik tourism as an effort to increase the local economy in the new habit era Jarum bayat tourism village.
The aim of this study is to find out how the efforts made by the tourism assistance community group (pokdarwis) to increase the economy of the local tourism village community and what are the obstacles faced in carrying out these efforts. This study used the descriptive qualitative method. Observations, interviews, documentation were carried out to collect the necessary data and completeness in this paper. Based on the research conducted, it can be concluded that the tourism assistance community group (Pokdarwis) efforts to increase the local economy in this new era of habits are to continue to market tourism products online by utilizing social media, such as Facebook and Instagram as well as by participating in training/workshop related to the development and improvement of its potential and resources. Meanwhile, the obstacles faced are limited resources, lack of knowledge about marketing and the decrease in tourist visits in this new era of habit.
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