Makna Simbolik Tokoh Wayang Semar dalam Kepemimpinan Jawa
Puppet, Semar, LeadershipAbstract
This paper intends to reveal some teaching of the Javanese Leadership found in some Javanese literaturesas well as wejangan (advice). These teaching generally exposed variety of moralethics. The leadership philosophy also exhibits a natural form of creativity, sense, initiative and work in addition. These teaching require a leader to have attributes of “Ksatria Utama” This is Ksatria who is expected to apply the concept of “Jumbuhing Kawula Gusti”. This concept becomes the foundation power, leadership and humanity. In this way, he is believed to be able to realize his country as one which is prosperous and peaceful.A letter who is capable to be a “Prior Knight” is a person who has morality and characteristic as symbolized in the character of the puppet “SEMAR” in Javanese culture. “Semar” as a servant is able to defent “Raja Dewa” (The King of God) and “Bathara Guru”. This capability is created when the mind reflects higher thinking level or wise opinion, then this mind will guide the leader Semar in this his wise character is capable to normalize the general prosperity.
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