Go Cap Lak : Ritual dan Identitas Baru Etnis Tionghoa di Bagansiapiapi
Go Cap Lark, Bakar Tongkang, BagansiapiapiAbstract
His paper aims to describe the ritual fueling Barge Chinese society into a new cultural identity for people of Chinese descent in Bagansiapapi. Fuci barges, known by the name of Go Cap Lak Bagansiapiapi only found in the district and are conducted annually by people of Chinese descent. Go Cap Lak ceremony is an annual ritual held by the Chinese community in Bagansiapiapi the fifth month (Go) Imlek on the sixteenth (Cap Lak) as an expression of gratitude and thanks to the God of the Sea Gods Kie Ong Ya have provided prosperity and health. Go Cap Lak ceremony fuel barge is present only in Bagansiapiapi and serves as an icon of cultural identity or to attract tourists. The development of this program is to increase the diversity of economic and social life in the city of Bagansiapiapi. Ritual Go Cap Lark or Fuel Barge into a new identity for a long time Bagansiapapi shifted its identity as a city of the world’s number two fish producers in the middle of the 20th century into a tourist city.
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