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Isu-Isupariwisata Berkelanjutanpada Destinasi Kepulauan di Indonesia
sustainable tourism, overtourism, tourism leakage, sustainable mobilitiesAbstract
Tourism today has a problem. It is addicted to growth, which is incompatible with
sustainability goals. Despite three decades of discussing pathways to sustainable tourism,
tourism authorities worldwide has continued to promote tourism growth despite the ecological
and social limits of living on a finite planet. Looking to it’s case to an island destination in
Indonesia overtourism and tourism leakage are two major problems the industry are
facing. Therefore this article argues that tourism must be understood and managed with a
wider context of sustainability. Additionally, strategic approaches to transitioning to a
sufficiency approach to tourism and leisure is essential if sustainability is to be secured.
Recommendations include Sustainable Mobilities, fostering diverse approaches to tourism
strategies for development and regulating and managing tourism. An upgraded reseach in
sustainable mobility through big data is recommended to further diverse tourism strategies
from approach, that be analyzed in real-time and directly targeted at tourism and destination
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