Abdimas Pariwisata2025-01-24T05:21:52+07:00Hary Hermawanharyhermawan8@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p data-start="66" data-end="327"><strong data-start="66" data-end="126">Jurnal Abdimas Pariwisata (Journal of Community Service)</strong> is published twice a year, in January and July, by Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata AMPTA Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This journal focuses on the results of community service activities in the field of tourism.</p> <p data-start="329" data-end="642"><strong>The scope</strong> of this journal covers various aspects of community service related to tourism planning and management, community empowerment, destination development, community-based tourism, hospitality, the hotel industry, cultural heritage preservation, and the social and economic aspects of tourism development.</p> <p data-start="329" data-end="642"> </p> <p data-start="98" data-end="368"><em><strong data-start="98" data-end="158">Jurnal Abdimas Pariwisata (Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat)</strong> diterbitkan dua kali setahun pada bulan Januari dan Juli oleh Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata AMPTA Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Jurnal ini berfokus pada hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat di bidang pariwisata.</em></p> <p data-start="370" data-end="704"><em><strong>Ruang lingkup jurnal</strong> mencakup berbagai aspek pengabdian masyarakat yang berkaitan dengan perencanaan dan pengelolaan pariwisata, pemberdayaan masyarakat, pengembangan destinasi, pariwisata berbasis komunitas, perhotelan, industri hospitality, pelestarian warisan budaya, serta aspek sosial dan ekonomi dalam pengembangan pariwisata</em></p> Sapta Pesona dalam Pariwisata Raja Ampat2024-12-21T05:07:27+07:00Dea Sri Mulyani<p><strong><em>Implementation of Sapta Pesona in Raja Ampat Tourism</em></strong></p> <p><em>Raja Ampat as one of the most beautiful natural tourist destinations in the world, is known for its stunning coral reefs and marine biodiversity. To maintain the sustainability of this destination, the Sapta Pesona Concept is implemented, which includes safety, orderliness, cleanliness, coolness, beauty, friendliness, and memorable experiences as government policies. This study aims to examine the implementation of Sapta Pesona in the management of tourism in Raja Ampat and evaluate its impact on the quality of the destination and the tourist experience. Using a descriptive qualitative approach through literature review, the results show that the implementation of Sapta Pesona in Raja Ampat has successfully improved the quality of the tourist destination and maintained environmental sustainability.</em></p>2025-01-15T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Dea Sri Mulyani Mulyani, Siti Fadjarajani, Cahya Darmawan Pariwisata Berkelanjutan Melalui Kampanye Pengurangan Sampah Plastik di Objek Wisata Pulau Bokori Sulawesi Tenggara2024-11-30T05:45:51+07:00Harionoytlmc@gmail.comMuhammad Hidayat Djabbariyytlmc@gmail.comKartomo<p><strong><em>Sustainable Tourism Management Through a Campaign to Reduce Plastic Waste at the Bokori Island Tourist Destination in Southeast Sulawesi</em></strong></p> <p><em>Tourism, as a rapidly growing economic sector, significantly contributes to national income. However, it also causes negative environmental impacts, particularly the increase in plastic waste at tourist destinations. Plastic waste not only damages the natural beauty but also threatens flora, fauna, and humans. The Community Service Program (PKM) by the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences at the University of Sembilanbelas November Kolaka, in collaboration with PT. Palem Edukasi Nusantara, aims to address this issue by promoting plastic waste reduction at Pulau Bokori, Southeast Sulawesi. The program includes literature review, field observation, and awareness campaigns targeting both managers and visitors of the tourist site. Using a campaign approach through several stages—preparation, implementation, and evaluation—the main goal is to raise public and tourist awareness about the dangers of plastic waste. Despite positive feedback, resource limitations pose challenges, requiring further efforts and collaboration to achieve sustainable tourism and a cleaner environment on Pulau Bokori.</em></p>2025-01-15T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Hariono, Muhammad Hidayat Djabbari, Kartomo dkk. Kebutuhan Pelatihan di Desa Wisata Darubia, Kabupaten Bulukumba2025-01-03T10:02:03+07:00Andi Zulkiflicoelenowe@gmail.comRisman<p><strong><em>Analysis of Training Needs in Darubia Tourist Village, Bulukumba Regency. </em></strong></p> <p><em>Darubia Tourism Village in Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi, has great tourism potential with its natural beauty and rich local culture. However, challenges such as inadequate infrastructure and low awareness of the importance of cleanliness pose obstacles to developing tourism in this village. This report documents community service activities aimed at improving the cleanliness management of homestays and diversifying creative economy products. Through surveys and interviews with the local community, a need for training in homestay cleanliness management, hygiene and sanitation, and local product development was identified. The designed training program includes technical guidance on hygiene standards, sanitation management, and enhancing creativity in craft products. The results of this activity are expected to improve the quality of homestay services and the competitiveness of local products, which in turn will support the sustainable development of tourism in Darubia Village.</em></p>2025-01-15T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Andi Zulkifli, Risman Jaya, Ismail Keselamatan Wisata Sungai: Langkah Nyata Menuju Wisata Berkelanjutan di Tlatar2024-12-06T03:39:41+07:00Hary Hermawanharyhermawan8@gmail.comFuadi Afiffuadiafif@gmail.comHamdan Setyo Nugrohodhimasdsg@gmail.comAgnestasya Monica Putri Hendrajayaagneszhou888@gmail.comPitta Theresya Br GirsangPittatheresya0307@gmail.comAmelia Tri Wahyuni<p><strong><em>Safety Education in River Tourism: A Concrete Step Toward Sustainable Tourism in Tlatar</em></strong></p> <p><em>The river tourism safety awareness program in Tlatar Tourism Village aimed to enhance the understanding and awareness of local communities and tourism operators regarding the importance of safety in water tourism activities. Using a participatory method, this activity involved theoretical briefings and practical simulations that provided comprehensive knowledge on the proper use of safety equipment, self-rescue techniques, and preventive measures in emergencies. The results of this activity showed a significant improvement in participants' understanding and awareness of tourism safety aspects, which is expected to reduce the risk of accidents and enhance the quality of tourism in the area. In conclusion, this awareness program successfully improved tourism safety standards and fostered environmental awareness among the local community. This activity contributes significantly to the development of safe and sustainable tourism in Tlatar Tourism Village.</em></p>2025-01-15T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Hermawan, Afif, Anwari, Dhimas Setyo Nugroho, Hendrajaya, Girsang, Wahyuni Pemberdayaan Rumah Masyarakat Menjadi Homestay di Desa Pao Kecamatan Tombolopao Kabupaten Gowa Sulawesi Selatan2025-01-13T08:53:40+07:00Ahmad Hasbiahmadpoltekpar1@gmail.comAndi Alif Rahmatullah Pokeahmadpoltekpar2@gmail.comMuhammad Adam Dharma<p><strong><em>Potential Empowerment of Community Houses into Homestays in Pao Village, Tombolopao District, Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi</em></strong></p> <p><em>Empowering community houses into homestays will increase the community's economic income. This community service activity aims to assist the community with the benefits that the community will feel if Pao Village becomes a tourist village. Another goal is to find out the potential of community houses for some of the rooms to be rented out as homestays. The method used is observation and interviews with homeowners whose houses have the potential to be used as homestays. The community houses that were observed were houses recommended by the village government that had potential. The results of this assistance show a positive and enthusiastic response from homeowners if their houses become homestays.</em> </p>2025-01-15T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ahmad Ab, Andi Hasbi, Andi Alif Rahmatullah Poke, Muhammad Adam Alghazali, Dharma Kuba Pengembangan Pariwisata Desa Melalui Kegiatan Njelajah Mbantul Milang Kori 2024 di Kabupaten Bantul2025-01-14T05:57:30+07:00Hari Rachmadiharri.rachmadi@gmail.comFuadi Afiffuadiafif@gmail.comEko<p><strong><em>Optimization of </em></strong><strong><em>Rural</em></strong><strong><em> Tourism Development Through the Njelajah Mbantul Milang Kori 2024 Activities in Bantul Regency</em></strong></p> <p><em>The Njelajah Mbantul Milang Kori 2024 activity is a community service effort aimed at introducing and promoting the tourism potential of Bantul Regency, particularly in the Rintisan Kalurahan Budaya (RKB) and Desa Wisata. This activity was carried out through a series of visits to various tourist destinations, involving multiple stakeholders, and focusing on enhancing synergy between local government, tourism practitioners, and the local community. The results of the activity show an increase in awareness and interest of tourists in Bantul's tourism potential, as well as strengthening cooperation among stakeholders in developing local tourism. This activity is expected to serve as a model for similar initiatives in other regions with untapped tourism potential.</em></p>2025-01-15T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Rachmadi, Fuadi Afif, Haryanto Kualitas Tata Kelola Destinasi Wisata di Desa Krikilan Kalijambe Kabupaten Sragen2024-01-02T04:32:48+07:00Maya Ratu Fadilla Nurmaidimyaaratu11@gmail.comAtiqa<p><strong><em>Improving the Quality of Tourism Destination Management in Krikilan Village, Kalijambe, Sragen Regency</em></strong></p> <p><em>This article aims to describe the factors contributing to the limited involvement of local communities in tourism development, identify the need for improved management of tourist village destinations, and explore efforts to enhance tourism services to attract more visitors. The discussion focuses on the conditions of the Sangiran Site as a cultural heritage that must be preserved, emphasizing the role of local communities in supporting its sustainability and appeal. The article highlights challenges such as the lack of central permissions despite various local initiatives to boost attractiveness. Additionally, inadequate promotion is identified as an obstacle to introducing the destination to a broader audience. This article underscores the importance of active community participation in preserving authenticity and maximizing the potential of the Sangiran Site as a sustainable historical tourism destination. These efforts are expected to support cultural preservation and improve local welfare.</em></p>2025-01-15T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Maya Ratu Fadilla Nurmaidi, Atiqa Sabardila Mangkunegaran dan Keraton Kasunanan Surakarta sebagai Sarana Wisata Edukasi Sejarah2024-01-20T06:15:30+07:00Anugrahaning Della Christy<p><strong><em>Mangkunegaran Temple and Surakarta Kasunanan Palace as Historical Education Tourism Facilities </em></strong></p> <p><em>This article discusses Pura Mangkunegaran and Keraton Kasunanan Surakarta as historical education tourism destinations in Surakarta City. In this activity, a qualitative descriptive approach was used, with data collected through observation, interviews, documentation, and literature study. The keraton, which serves as the residence of the king and the center of government, holds significant historical value. The results show that both keraton have museums that are highly potential as historical education tourism attractions. Additionally, each keraton has its own unique characteristics that can serve as an attraction for visitors. Overall, the activity concludes that historical education tourism aims to enrich visitors' knowledge and understanding of history. Surakarta City, with Pura Mangkunegaran and Keraton Kasunanan, offers two complementary historical education tourism destinations, with similarities and differences related to their origins, royal titles, and the historical collections housed in the museums..</em></p>2025-01-15T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Anugrahaning Della Puspitasari, Devina Christy Natalia, Mahawi Marsudi, Sri Marmoah Inovasi Olahan Singkong Getuk Mawar di Kampung Wisata Keceh Asmoro Mangunharjo Tembalang Kota Semarang 2024-11-30T04:34:00+07:00Prima Setia Judha Ulumuddin Ahmad Asshofi Citya<p><strong><em>Training on Cassava Rose Getuk Processing Innovation in Keceh Asmoro Tourism Village, Mangunharjo, Tembalang, Semarang City.</em></strong> <em>Several villages in the Semarang area have the potential to be developed into attractive tourist destinations, both for local and foreign tourists, natural tourist attractions such as the Ungaran mountains and the beaches around Semarang are also special attractions. One of the tourist villages in Semarang City that is currently being developed is the Keceh Asmoro Mangunharjo Tembalang Tourism Village pilot. This village is a unique tourist destination because it has tourism potential in one location, both natural, environmental and local potential. The Keceh Asmoro Tourism Village destination has a lot of good potential that can be developed, apart from nature, as well as local cassava food production. Training on processed cassava getuk rose innovation in the Keceh Asmoro Mangunharjo Tourism Village was carried out to increase the added value of local products and support tourism development in the region. Wisata Keceh Asmoro Village in the Mangunharjo sub-district also has local produce, namely cassava food. With this training, it is hoped that the community will be able to utilize local ingredients which are widely available in that place and local actors there can learn innovative ways of making cassava getuk in other forms so that they can increase the creativity and expertise of UMKM in making food, especially cassava getuk rose.</em></p>2025-01-15T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Prima Setia Judha Pranatha, Emik Rahayu, Izza Ulumuddin Ahmad Asshofi , Cindy Citya Dima UMKM Desa Kedongdong Kidul di Era Digital2025-01-16T03:08:06+07:00Sulistyo Afiffuadiafif@gmail.comAbdul<p><strong><em>Assistance for MSMEs in Kedongdong Kidul Village in the Digital Era</em></strong></p> <p><em>This community service activity aims to improve the understanding and skills of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Kedongdong Kidul Village in utilizing digital technology, particularly in marketing and business management. The program was conducted through seminars and training sessions focusing on the use of social media and e-commerce platforms as digital marketing tools. Additionally, intensive mentoring was provided to assist MSMEs in implementing the digital technologies learned. The results indicated a significant improvement in participants' understanding of digital marketing, although challenges such as limited infrastructure and low digital literacy remain obstacles. To address these issues, further programs focused on enhancing digital literacy and improving technological infrastructure are recommended. This activity has made a significant contribution to supporting the development of digital-based MSMEs in rural areas, especially in the era of globalization and digital transformation..</em></p>2025-01-16T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Hadi, Khairunnisa, Fuadi Afif, Holis Cerita Desa Wisata Cikakak2024-11-30T05:48:02+07:00Bagus Reza Bayu Astri<p><strong><em>Bringing Cikakak Tourism Village Stories to Life: Mandarin Training to Boost Rural Tourism Appea</em></strong><strong><em>l</em></strong></p> <p><em>Cikakak Tourism Village in Banyumas Regency holds significant potential as a rural tourism destination that combines natural, cultural, and religious aspects. However, the Saka Tunggal Tourism Awareness Group (Pokdarwis) faces challenges in presenting tourism information narratively (storytelling), particularly in Mandarin, to attract foreign tourists, especially from China. This article discusses the results of the "Mandarin for Storytelling" training aimed at enhancing the narrative skills of Pokdarwis members in promoting the tourism potential of Cikakak Village. The method employed involved interactive training sessions with pretest and posttest evaluations. The training results indicated an improvement in participants' understanding of using storytelling as a promotional medium, although further assistance is needed in producing interactive content for websites and video storytelling. This training is expected to support the branding efforts of Cikakak Tourism Village as a leading cultural tourism destination.</em></p>2025-01-16T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Hariyadi, Firmansyah, Prasetyowati, Oktavilia, Herliana Utama Desa Adat Kutuh Kabupaten Badung untuk Meningkatkan Pariwisata sebagai Andalan Ekonomi2025-01-13T09:01:31+07:00Devina Fadila Damayantidevinafadila7@gmail.comNieke Rudyanty<p>Kutuh Traditional Village is one of the villages in Badung Regency, Bali province. Kutuh Traditional Village has succeeded in changing its economic status from a poor village to a successful tourist village through various strategies. By utilizing village funds effectively, Kutuh Village developed nine tourism business units and three supporting service units, such as Village Credit Institutions and tourist attractions. Collaboration between traditional leaders and local governments also plays an important role in managing tourism, which now attracts around 3,000 tourists per day and generates annual revenues of up to 50 billion. This success is what makes Kutuh Traditional Village an example of other villages in Indonesia. This study employs qualitative research methods, gathering data through field lecture materials delivered directly by presenters serving as informants. For other supporting data, use journals, articles, books and others that are relevant to this research. This research shows that the Kutuh Traditional Village has implemented various strategies to increase tourism as an economic mainstay by utilizing village funds and has succeeded in developing nine tourism business units, including the Village Credit Institution (LPD).</p>2025-01-19T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Devina Fadila Damayanti, Nieke Rudyanty Winanda Model of Implementation of the Pentahelix Concept in Developing Cultural-Based Tourism Destinations in Aeng Tong – Tong Village2025-01-24T05:21:52+07:00A.Faidlal Abrory<p><strong><em>Successful Model of Implementation of the Pentahelix Concept in Developing Cultural-Based Tourism Destinations in Aeng Tong – Tong Village. </em></strong><em>Aeng Tong-Tong Village has become a successful example of implementing the Pentahelix concept for developing a culture-based tourism village. This research explores the role of five main actors—government, academia, business, media, and community—in this development process. The government plays a role in providing policies and infrastructure, while academics contribute through research and training. Local businesses offer facilities and services, the media promotes the village, and local communities directly implement tourism activities. The synergy between these actors has boosted the local economy, preserved culture, and improved infrastructure. These findings show that the Pentahelix collaboration effectively creates sustainable and inclusive tourist destinations. The Aeng Tong-Tong Village Model can be used as a reference for other villages that want to develop their tourism potential with a similar approach.</em></p>2025-01-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 A.Faidlal Rahman, Azna Abrory Wardana