Jurnal Abdimas Pariwisata 2024-11-27T16:39:06+07:00 Hary Hermawan Open Journal Systems <div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;"><strong><br />Jurnal Abdimas Pariwisata</strong> published twice a year on January and July by Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata AMPTA Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The publication of this journal is a community service in the field of tourism studies.</div> <div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;"> </div> <div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;"><strong>The scope</strong> of these areas includes tourism planning, tourism management, community empowerment, destination, community-based tourism, hospitality, hotels, heritage, and culture.</div> <div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;"> </div> Pendampingan Identifikasi Potensi Wisata Nagari Guguak Malalo dalam Menghidupkan Ekosistem Desa Wisata 2024-01-23T05:03:45+07:00 Pepy Afrilian Rizal Dianni Oktaria Putri <p><strong><em>Facilitating the Identification of Tourism Potentials in Nagari Guguak Malalo to Revitalize the Village Tourism Ecosystem</em></strong></p> <p><em>Nagari Guguak Malalo, Tanah Datar Regency, is a region abundant in natural resources, characterized by expansive hills and the scenic beauty of Lake Singkarak. Therefore, the mapping of tourism potentials serves as the foundation in the planning and development processes of tourism managed by the Community-Based Tourism Organization (POKDARWIS) and the local community. The mapping process encompasses several stages, including a forum group discussion that explores various tourism potentials through the lenses of natural, cultural, and artificial attractions. Subsequently, a mapping is conducted using a tourism potential matrix, emphasizing the strengths and weaknesses of feasible tourism activities. The matrix results are then reevaluated across multiple sectors, culminating in a Joint Decision. For short-term planning, this involves the execution of cultural events, which are also incorporated into the Tanah Datar Regency's event calendar. Additionally, there is the introduction of religious tourism packages. Looking towards the medium-term plan, efforts are directed at enhancing accessibility and infrastructure for nature-based tourism. Simultaneously, the development of water tourism is pursued by optimizing the available human resources ready to engage in the tourism industry within the framework of a tourism village concept.</em></p> 2024-07-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Pepy Afrilian, Rizal, Dianni Oktaria Putri Penguatan Kelembagaan dan Tata Kelola Pokdarwis Ceria di Desa Wisata Wae Lolos 2023-10-26T05:19:36+07:00 Laurensius Sandrio Septian Hutagalung Roseven Rudiyanto Marius Yosef Seran <p><strong><em>Institutional Strengthening and Governance of Pokdarwis Ceria in Wae Lolos Tourism Village</em></strong></p> <p><em>Wae Lolos Village is a Tourism Village located in Sano Nggoang District. The Wae Lolos Tourism Village community already has a Ceria Tourism Awareness Group (Pokdarwis) as a concrete form of community participation in tourism development in the Tourism Village. However, the problem faced by Wae Lolos Village for tourism development is the lack of community knowledge and experience in the tourism sector. Moreover, the absence of a framework is one of the factors in the failure of the development of tourist destinations with the concept of Community Based Tourism (CBT). Departing from this phenomenon, this activity aims to directly answer the problems as previously explained, through the transfer of knowledge and technical skills from educational institutions to the community in the Ceria tourism awareness group in the Wae Lolos tourism village using lecture, discussion and discussion methods. practice. The result of this activity is that the community not only understands that developing a tourism village requires the active participation of the community, but is also able to make tour packages.</em></p> 2024-07-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Laurensius Sandrio, Septian Hutagalung, Roseven Rudiyanto, Marius Yosef Seran Identifikasi Partisipasi Masyarakat Desa Wisata Alam Endah sebagai Modal Pengembangkan Pariwisata di Ciwidey, Kabupaten Bandung 2024-03-23T03:53:28+07:00 Rian Bastian Hutapea Fitri Rahmafitria Ghoitsa Rohmah Nurazizah Armandha Redo Pratama <p><strong><em>The Level of Community Participation in Developing Tourism in Endah Nature Tourism Village, Ciwidey, Bandung Regency</em></strong></p> <p><em>Community participation is an essential element in various development and growth processes, including tourism development. Particularly in a tourist village, community participation is an effort to ensure that the community directly benefits from tourism development. In the endeavor of community service, analyzing the level of community participation is an important step to examine the various forms of community participation in developing tourism in Desa Wisata Alam Endah (Alam Endah Tourism Village). This participation mapping utilizes a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Information and data are collected through field observations and interviews with the local community. Referring to White's theory (1996), the obtained results indicate that the level of community participation in Desa Wisata Alam Endah is at an ideal level, with active participation from the community throughout the planning and implementation stages. Therefore, it can be concluded that Desa Wisata Alam Endah has a relatively strong foundation in terms of community participation.</em></p> 2024-07-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rian Bastian Hutapea, Fitri Rahmafitria, Ghoitsa Rohmah Nurazizah Analisis Kebutuhan Kegiatan Pelatihan di Desa Pao Kabupaten Gowa Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan 2024-07-01T06:16:53+07:00 Andi Hasbi Ahmad Ab. Andi Alif Rahmatullah Poke Muhammad Yusran Agus <p><strong><em>Needs Analysis of Training Activities in Pao Village, Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi Province</em></strong></p> <p><em>The purpose of this community service activity is to analyze the training needs needed for the community as business actors in Pao Tourism Village. This activity is expected to help the community in the tourism awareness working group in adding skills, especially in the field of food and beverage services related to environmentally friendly food packaging. Other training related to improving the quality of human resources that sustain tourist villages as locomotives of economic growth based on community participation. The method used in this community service activity is to analyze training needs through focus group discussion (FGD) activities. From the results of the FGDs, the required training was identified, including training for tourism business actors such as culinary production houses, training in making "bedda lotong", training in homestay management, especially on homestay services, room preparation and financial management</em><em>,</em><em> and training on food and beverage service standards both in terms of food and beverage production and in the context of packaging.</em></p> 2024-07-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Andi Hasbi, Ahmad Ab., Andi Alif Rahmatullah Poke, Muhammad Yusran, Agus Penguatan Kapasitas SDM dalam Pengelolaan Wisata Berbasis Edukasi 2024-02-03T05:25:51+07:00 Dhimas Setyo Nugroho Suyatno Hary Hermawan Haniifan Muhammad Naim <p><strong><em>Strengthening </em></strong><strong><em>H</em></strong><strong><em>uman </em></strong><strong><em>R</em></strong><strong><em>esource </em></strong><strong><em>C</em></strong><strong><em>apacity in </em></strong><strong><em>E</em></strong><strong><em>ducation-based </em></strong><strong><em>T</em></strong><strong><em>ourism </em></strong><strong><em>M</em></strong><strong><em>anagement</em></strong></p> <p><em>This Community Service Activity aims to increase community capacity in managing education-based tourism. This PKM activity includes the socialization of Sapta Pesona and cooperation in raising Etawah Peranakan (PE) goats. Through the socialization of SAPTA PESONA, the tourism community in Jogotirto village and El Farm farm gained insight and knowledge about the application of SAPTA PESONA so that they became aware of tourism. Apart from that, the socialization of SAPTA PESONA will enrich the understanding of existing tourist attractions and potential tourism. Through the socialization of cooperation in raising PE goats, the community and tourism actors in Jogotirto village gained an understanding of how to manage PE goats, starting from rearing goats, breeding goats to how to buy and sell goats as well as forming a goat farming cooperation by applying the franchise principle or profit sharing system.</em></p> 2024-07-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dhimas Setyo Nugroho, Haniifan Muhammad Naim, Hermawan Hary Beach Voluntrip sebagai Implementasi Pariwisata Berkalanjutan (Studi Kasus Magang Merdeka Angkatan ke-3 di PT Gemilang Media Wisatama) 2024-01-20T06:12:45+07:00 Khairu Farras Shidqi <p><strong><em>Beach Voluntrip as an Implementation of Sustainable Tourism (Case Study of the 3rd Batch of Independent Internships at PT Gemilang Media Wisatama)</em></strong></p> <p><em>Volunteer Tourism / Volunteer Tourism / Volunteer-based tourism is the empowerment and development of community-based tourism in which there is an element of tourist involvement to actively contribute to the development of tourism with the ability and social spirit. In line with Voluntourism activities, PT Gemilang Media Wisatama (Travelxism) has a special interest in tourism products initiated by batch 3 MBKM students, namely Beach Voluntrip. The Beach Voluntrip activity has been held twice by PT Gemilang Media Wisata (Travelxism) with the theme "Travel while Protecting the Earth". In the beginning and post-activity processes, tourists, in this case participants, are given two e-forms to fill in their data and feedback. Furthermore, the e-form filled out by the participants is recapitulated to be used as an evaluation of the development of future activities. The development of the Beach Voluntrip special interest tour package lasts 4 months, which includes planning, administrative preparation, and implementation of Beach Voluntrip 1 and 2.</em></p> 2024-07-16T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Khairu Farras Shidqi Pelatihan Pembuatan Olahan Dasar Saripati Bayam menjadi Masakan Khas Aceh di Desa Curug Wetan 2023-01-24T09:37:14+07:00 Nonot Yuliantoro Juliana Rayyani Hassan Stefany Verellyn Alfenny <p><strong><em>Training on Making Basic Spinach Extract into Acehnese Specialty Dish in Curug Wetan Village</em></strong></p> <p><em>Aceh Province is one of the provinces that has a variety of very distinctive dishes, such as: Mie Aceh dan Roti Canai. Spinach essence is one of the innovations made in making basic preparations for Aceh Noodles dan Roti Canai,. This innovative product is made as attractive as possible and as complete as possible so that later it can be useful among the wider community. Training on making basic processed spinach essence into aceh cuisine in the village of Curug Wetan was carried out with the hope of providing the latest innovations that will be useful in the future for opening an independent business. The implementation is carried out face-to-face and workshops and events are also equipped with pre-tests and post-tests to measure the understanding of Pkk mothers who attend this training event. Because the significance value is less than 0.05, it proves that the comparison is valid. So, it is hoped that there will be a continuation of this training activity so that Pkk mothers can practice it directly both at home and as a resource to open an independent business.</em></p> 2024-07-16T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nonot Yuliantoro, Juliana, Rayyani Hassan, Stefany, Verellyn Alfenny Sosialisasi Penanggulangan Kenakalan Remaja: Disiplin Berlalu Lintas 2023-10-26T05:25:41+07:00 Sadat N S Sidabutar Annisa Zulfa Safira <p><strong><em>Socialization of Juvenile Delinquency Prevention: Traffic Discipline</em></strong></p> <p><em>One of the traffic problems is juvenile delinquency which is often caused by, for example, not having a driver’s license, using the noisy motorbike exhaust, speeding on the road and so on. Traffic violations have a direct negative impact on the Security, Safety, Order and Smoothness of Traffic and Road Transportation sectors.This is a problem faced by society which is now increasingly widespread. The method used for the 2<sup>nd</sup> grade at Senior High School 3 Sepaku to overcome juvenile delinquency in traffic discipline are the methods of socialization, lectures and discussions. The success of this socialization was due to the enthusiasm of students to know and understand aspects of criminal law, especially traffic violations by teenagers. </em></p> 2024-07-16T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sadat N S Sidabutar, Annisa Zulfa Safira Pelatihan Keterampilan Komunikasi dalam Akomodasi Pondok Wisata pada Warga Desa Wisata Besani 2024-04-17T05:43:39+07:00 Kevin Gustian Yulius Wulanmeiaya Wowor Rosianna Sianipar Theodosia C. Nathalia Sisilia Chelsye Parera <p><strong><em>Communication Skills Training in Homestay Business for Residents of Desa Wisata Besani</em></strong></p> <p><em>Tourism has become a crucial sector in the local economic development and cultural preservation in Indonesia. This article discusses a training activity on communication skills within the context of homestay accommodation for the residents of Besani Tourism Village in Batang Regency, Central Java. The training, successfully conducted in November 2023, involved 28 participants from various segments of society, including homestay operators and members of the Tourism Awareness Group (Pokdarwis). Through lectures and simulations, the pretest and post-test results showed a significant improvement from 18-36% to 89-100% in the understanding of communication skills. The outcomes of this training are expected to assist Besani Tourism Village in developing sustainable homestay businesses by engaging in collaborations with various stakeholders, enhancing management skills, digital marketing, and environmental conservation. This article provides new insights into the importance of communication skills training in the context of homestay accommodation within rural communities and offers recommendations for tourism village officials and residents of Besani Tourism Village to continue their efforts in local tourism development with enthusiasm for collaboration and active participation.</em></p> 2024-07-16T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Kevin Gustian Yulius, Wulanmeiaya Wowor, Rosianna Sianipar, Theodosia C. Nathalia, Sisilia Chelsye Parera Peningkatan Pelayanan bagi Pegawai Glamping Kema Merbabu melalui Pelatihan Penampilan Diri 2024-03-08T08:35:42+07:00 Almas Nabili Imanina Herman Novry Kristiansen Paninggiran Desika Nur Jannah Naila Putri Anggraini Niken Savitri Oktariani Lestari <p><strong><em>Improving Services for Glamping Kema Merbabu employees through Personal Appearance Training</em></strong></p> <p><em>This community service is the result of collaboration with Glamping Kema Merbabu, Boyolali Regency as a participant. Glamping is a type of accommodation that is currently popular among tourists because it presents a camping-themed accommodation concept but the facilities offered are complete, similar to conventional hotels in general. The majority of employees who work at Kema Merbabu come from the local community, so the main focus of the activity is understanding the importance of personal appearance from the tips of the signs to the toenails, maintaining voice intonation and body movements, to how to deal with complaints from guests. Identify the main problems related to the lack of training and character development of Kema Merbabu. To overcome this, this training implements a solution in the form of a personal grooming program which includes training in interpersonal skills, work ethics and manners. This method involves direct lectures, personal guidance, social interaction and role play so that it is hoped that in the future it can have a positive impact on the personal and professionalism of all Kema Merbabu employees, as well as improving the image and quality of Kema Merbabu Glamping services.</em></p> 2024-07-16T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Almas Nabili Imanina, Herman Novry Kristiansen Paninggiran, Desika Nur Jannah, Naila Putri Anggraini, Niken Savitri Oktariani Lestari Strategi Peningkatan Pariwisata Sengon Hills melalui Pengembangan Fasilitas dan Promosi Wisata Berkelanjutan 2024-03-26T02:54:22+07:00 Elit Ave Hidayatullah Hanifa Dyanti Anjani Hanifa Shindidah Lady Aqila Aura Prasasti Rohaniwati Nissa Aulia Siti Ummisah Shindy Aulia Veronica Azzahra Nabila Orchidea Alifa Nada <p><strong><em>The Strategy for Enhancing Tourism in Sengon Hills Through the Development of Facilities and Sustainable Tourism Promotion</em></strong></p> <p><em>The real work lecture (KKN) activity in Girimulyo village, Girimulyo hamlet aims to improve the quality of Sengon Hill, which is a swimming pool tour in Girimulyo hamlet, through the development of facilities and sustainable tourism promotion. This KKN activity was carried out with the stages of field observation methods, interviews with BUMDes (Village-Owned Enterprises) administrators, discussions and documentation, this activity involved 10 KKN group members in Girimulyo hamlet. The result of this activity is the formation of a Sengon Edu Play ground which consists of playing while learning media in the form of snakes and ladders and puzzles. The next result is a website and tourist location plan which is one form of development of Sengon Hill tourism promotion that facilitates the spread of promotion in the form of Sengon Hill tourism information and attracts the attention of visitors in the form of visualization seen by tourists related to information from the website and unique tourist location plan.The making of Sengon Edu Play ground in Sengon Hill tourism aims to eliminate boredom in learning by learning while playing will be a solution to eliminate children's boredom in learning.</em></p> 2024-07-17T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Elit Ave Hidayatullah, Hanifa Dyanti Anjani Hanifa, Shindidah Lady Aqila, Aura Prasasti, Rohaniwati, Nissa Aulia, Siti Ummisah, Shindy Aulia, Veronica Azzahra, Nabila Orchidea, Alifa Nada Peran Masyarakat Lokal dalam Pengembangan Pariwisata 2024-06-24T05:52:04+07:00 Diandra Khansa Hartadji <p><strong><em>The Role of Local Communities in Tourism Development</em></strong></p> <p><em>Tourism has experienced development in recent years and contributes to national economic growth. But apart from that, tourism also has an impact on social and cultural aspects. Local communities have an important role in tourism development, because they have specific knowledge and experience about the local culture and environment. Thus, this article aims to illustrate the important role of local communities in tourism development, as well as how they can contribute to economic and socio-cultural growth in areas where tourism develops. The method used in this article is literature review. The result is that local communities have a role in increasing the success of tourism destinations, such as their involvement in resource ownership and management, sustainable development, providing tourist experiences, empowering the local economy, preserving culture, and welcoming tourists.</em></p> 2024-07-17T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Diandra Khansa Hartadji Communication Skill for Excellent Service (PKK dan BUMDes di Desa Sukaraharja Kabupaten Tasikmalaya) 2024-06-24T05:48:29+07:00 Putri Mutiara Rakista <p><strong><em>Communication Skill For Excellent Service (Pengelola Organisasi Wisata Di Desa Sukaraharja Kabupaten Tasikmalaya)</em></strong></p> <p><em>Communication skills training to improve good service is considered important to be carried out in Sukaharja Village as an improvement in the quality of human resources in organizations in the Sukaharja Village Community as well as developing the quality of human resources. Communication skills are needed to provide excellent service to the end of the village and provide excellent service to customers who are interested in the products produced by the village, as well as an effort to introduce the potential of the village. The Community Service Method (PKM) is carried out in the form of counseling and training which begins with planning, implementation and evaluation. The results of this activity have an impact on increasing insight and soft skills, especially in the field of communication in the community managing community organizations in Sukaharja Village, Cisayong District, Tasikmalaya Regency.</em></p> 2024-07-23T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Putri Mutiara Rakista Pengarahan Pengelolaan Sosial Media dan Pembuatan Konten TikTok di Desa Wisata Dieng Kulon 2024-11-27T16:39:06+07:00 Benediktus Adhityawarman Vitha Octavanny Zagita Sahra Muhammad Fariz Arzad Muhammad Dzaky Arrauf <p><strong><em>Briefing on Social Media Management and Content Creation TikTok at Dieng Kulon Tourism Village</em></strong></p> <p><em>The development of technology allows everyone to use it for various purposes, one of which is promotion. The use of social media for promotional media has a big influence on the products offered because of the wide reach of social media. Dieng Kulon Tourism Village, which does not yet have a special social media for the village, is an opportunity for the Pancasila University Tourism Faculty to carry out this service. The purpose of this activity is to provide assistance to tourism awareness groups and village youth groups on how to manage social media accounts and create content for village promotional media. The initial method is preparation and planning in the form of group discussions with Pokdarwis Dieng Kulon Tourism Village, social media practitioners, lecturers, and discussions between members. The implementation of this community service is to provide material exposure regarding social media management and TikTok content creation. And evaluation in the form of giving pre-test and post-test. The results obtained are in the form of increased understanding of social media account management and content creation, especially TikTok.</em></p> 2024-07-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Benediktus Adhityawarman, Vitha Octavanny, Zagita Sahra, Muhammad Fariz Arzad, Muhammad Dzaky Arrauf Pelatihan Kewirausahaan dan Komunikasi Pemasaran pada UMKM sebagai Bagian dari sektor Pariwisata di Lingkungan PKK Desa Sukaraharja 2024-07-08T10:25:02+07:00 Putri Rakista Syamsu Nurkarim Anggi Permata Karismatika <p><strong><em>Entrepreneurship and Marketing Communication Training for UMKM in the PKK Environment of Sukaharja Village</em></strong></p> <p><em>Micro businesses are business activities that are able to expand employment opportunities and provide broad economic services to the community. UKM business development is generally directed at overcoming poverty and inequality in society as well as creating job opportunities and increasing exports, invigorating agricultural and rural businesses. This entrepreneurship training aims to provide understanding and understanding in the field of entrepreneurship with various kinds of material, including: growing business ideas, solving problems in starting a business, increasing motivation and self-confidence in starting an UMKM business. Suraharja Village is an area that has UMKM potential. This activity was initiated by the PKK women's organization. However, in its implementation, business implementation in Sukaraharja Village still encountered obstacles such as minimal variety in business types so that marketing was stagnant. Thus, to further increase the variety of business types of UMKM in Sukaharja Village, we must be able to observe and analyze business potential that can be developed in the village and is needed through instilling an entrepreneurial spirit in UMKM players.</em></p> 2024-07-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Putri Rakista, Syamsu Nurkarim, Anggi Permata Karismatika