<p>The scientific journal ‘<strong>Gastronary: Gastronomy and Culinary Art</strong>’ (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>eISSN 2963-1270</strong></a>) is an editorial project of the <strong>Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat</strong> - <strong>Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata AMPTA Yogyakarta Indonesia and</strong>. </p> <p>Gastronary dedicated to publishing original scientific papers in Gastronomy, Culinary, Food Fotography, Food and Beverage Product Innovation, Culinary Tourism, Food Experiment Research Etc.</p> <p>The scientific journal ‘Gastronary’s mission is to share knowledge and skills gained from scientific and applied research in gastronomy.</p> <p>The journal has a digital format of biannual periodicity in April and September to reach a free worldwide distribution.</p>Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Ampat Yogyakarta en-USGastronary2963-1270A Making Muffins Using Breakun As A Substitute For Wheat Flour
<p><em>Breadfruit (Artocarpus Communis) is a local plant that can be found in various regions of Indonesia and contains many nutrients, but its utilization is still not optimal. One innovation that can be done is by making breadfruit into breadfruit flour, then the breadfruit flour can be used as an ingredient in making snacks in the form of muffins. This is a food diversification program from breadfruit. The method used is quantitative with an experimental type of research. Data collection instruments used organoleptic tests and hedonic tests based on questionnaires with 32 trained respondents to provide consumer responses to muffin products made from breadfruit flour. Next, the data was analyzed quantitatively descriptively. The research results showed the quality of breadfruit flour muffins in terms of color with an average score of 3.38 in the agree category (golden brown). Aspect of aroma with an average score of 3.40 in the agree category (fragrant aroma typical of breadfruit). Taste aspect with an average score of 3.43 in the agree category (sweet, typical of breadfruit). Texture aspect with an average score of 3.31 in the agree (soft) category.</em></p>Adela Dwi AgustinEnny MulyantariHermawan Prasetyanto
Copyright (c) 2024 Setyo Prasiyono Nugroho
2024-04-142024-04-14311910.36276/gastronomyandculinaryart.v3i1.575The Use of Mangosteen in Mousse No-Bake Cheesecake
<p>Mangosteen is a fruit that grows in tropical regions, commonly found in Indonesia. It has a unique sweet and tangy taste and holds numerous health benefits, making it a fruit often used for medical purposes. Mangosteen is rarely featured in dessert dishes, prompting this research with the aim of discovering a good combination of mangosteen in desserts and to introduce the mangosteen desserts to the generation Z. This research focuses on desserts originating from the European continent, specifically mousse and no-bake cheesecake. This research was conducted with organoleptic tests using hedonic test and hedonic quality test. The results and validity of the research are determined through class intervals and mean tests. It is hoped that this research can add insight into the discovery of the new flavors of European desserts, allowing people to enjoy desserts with new flavors. The results of the research are that mangosteen can be enjoyed in desserts which the sweet and tangy taste of the mangosteen makes a good combination in soft texture of mousse and the creaminess in no-bake cheesecake desserts.</p>Fionnie AngieCernnie AngieDeandra PakasiJimmy Situmorang
Copyright (c) 2024 Fionnie Angie, Cernnie Angie, Deandra Pakasi, Jimmy Situmorang
2024-04-142024-04-1431102210.36276/gastronomyandculinaryart.v3i1.615Pelatihan Nasi Tutug Oncom dengan Konsep Tumpeng sebagai Ide Bisnis UMKM kepada SML UMKM Centre
<div> <p class="Abstrakabstract"><em><span lang="IN">Community Service (CS) focuses on SML UMKM Centre in BSD, South Tangerang, with the theme "Training on Tutug Oncom Rice with the Tumpeng Concept as an UMKM Business Idea." The main objective of this initiative is to provide innovative insights into cooking Tutug Oncom Rice with the Tumpeng concept. This concept supports the development of culinary and business skills, especially in utilizing Oncom as a local Indonesian product. The solution involves conducting training on cooking Tutug Oncom Rice using the Tumpeng concept, along with discussions on business ideas. With the knowledge and skills acquired, it is expected that participants can develop their culinary businesses, enhance the competitiveness of UMKM and create high-quality local products.</span></em></p> </div>Vincentius Nonot YuliantoroShelvy EvalinaVriandi HapsaraMichelle Setiadi HartonoYasinta Kusnin
Copyright (c) 2024 Vincentius Nonot Yuliantoro, Shelvy Evalina, Vriandi Hapsara, Michelle Setiadi Hartono, Yasinta Kusnin
2024-04-142024-04-1431233310.36276/gastronomyandculinaryart.v3i1.622Buku Resep 20 Hidangan Olahan Kacang Tanah Khas Indonesia
<p><em>This article discuss about a recipe book containing 20 recipes using beans of Indonesia "Variation of Signature Indonesian Peanut Preparation" that introducing types of dishes that use beans in Indonesian culinary, helping readers to broaden horizon about types of beans products and dishes, also helping readers to cook various dishes </em><em>containing beans that are simple, practical, and easy to make daily to fulfill daily nutritional intake. This research is using qualitative approach with secondary data obtained from literature review, internet website, and hedonic test with experts that relate to Indonesian bean dishes. The 20 recipes of Indonesian bean dishes then are selected to </em><em>be tested on expert panelist, which is a chef or a cook that is skilled an experienced in food production or cuisine, especially Indonesian. The test is conducted using hedonic and questionnaire analysis. The research result shows that this recipe book contains interesting and easy to understand recipes, also obtaining above five in average in </em><em>questionnaire analysis and hedonic test. This recipe book is acknowledged to have potential in empowering Indonesian bean dishes. The writer however, still realizes the downside of the recipe book and write several suggestions, such as providing complete information on the description of dishes, using simple language that is easy to understand, also include more photos and illustration, and recipe making steps.</em></p>Nella Nevila WidarsonFebryola IndraSharen PatriciaHalim Adi Wijaya
Copyright (c) 2024 Nella Nevila Widarson, Febryola Indra, Sharen Patricia, Halim Adi Wijaya
2024-04-142024-04-1431344210.36276/gastronomyandculinaryart.v3i1.626Karakteristik Konsumen Pada Pusat Jajanan di Yogyakarta
<p><em>The culinary industry is growing rapidly. The marketing strategy carried out by the owners to attract buyers' interest is not only limited to products, but also the place for example in busy centers such as Pasar Tiban /night market. Pasar Tiban/night market serves a variety of culinary delights such as traditional culinary snacks to international snacks and called to street food. Some of Pasar Tiban /night markets in Yogyakarta include Alun-alun Kidul, Sultan Agung Stadium, or Sunday morning (Sunmor) UGM. Consumers come not only from local communities but also outside the city. The large number of consumers get the information about culinary delights from social media or environmental influences. The various culinary delights sold at Alkid and Sunmor are quite varied, from traditional to foreign culinary delights. It makes culinary enthusiasts Pasar Tiban in Yogyakarta having various characteristics. This research aims to analyze the characteristics of culinary consumers in culinary center in Yogyakarta. This research design is quantitative research with a survey. The subjects recruited by accidental sampling. The results show that the majority of culinary center consumers are female consumers (89.1%), 21-30 years old (56.3%), almost of the respondent are students (82.7%), their education is in the diploma/bachelor (75 .5%), and the distance between residence and location is more than 3 km (63.6%). So, it can be concluded that culinary consumers in the busy center of Yogyakarta are dominated by female consumers and others characteristic.</em></p>Cita Eri Ayuningtyas
Copyright (c) 2024 Cita Eri Ayuningtyas
2024-04-142024-04-1431434810.36276/gastronomyandculinaryart.v3i1.648Pengaruh Mie Berbahan Dasar Campuran Serbuk Daun Kelor dan Tepung Terigu terhadap Tingkat Kesukaan Konsumen
<p>Daun Kelor banyak kita jumpai di pedesaan yang mempunyai banyak manfaat bila dikumsunsi dan ini banyak yang tidak diketahui oleh masyarakat, karena itu untuk lebih memperkenalkan Daun Kelor maka peneliti mencoba menjadikan Daun Kelor menjadi salah satu bahan campuran dalam membuat Mie dengan cara menjadikan serbuk setelah mengeringkan Daun Kelor terlebih dahulu dan kemudian menghaluskannya dengan cara mem-blender. Pemanfaatan serbuk daun kelor menjadi bahan campuran utama mie dilakukan sebagai upaya menciptakan varian mie yang sehat. Maka, penelitian berjudul judul Pengaruh Mie Berbahan Dasar Campuran Serbuk Daun Kelor dan Tepung Terigu Terhadap Tingkat Kesukaan Konsumen. Tujuan dari diadakannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh serbuk Daun Kelor terkait pemanfaatannya pada campuran utama adonan mie terhadap tingkat kesukaan konsumen dinilai dari Rasa, Aroma, Tekstur, Warna. Penelitian ini adalah merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan menggunakan uji hedonik sebagai metode untuk panelis memberikan penilaiannya dengan. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui kuesioner. Metode analisis data yang digunakan peneliti pada penelitian ini adalah uji ftriedman. Dari hasil Uji hipotesis yang diajukan untuk aspek Rasa, Aromo dan Warna dengan menggunakan uji ftriedman ditolak yang artinya terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan penggunaan campuran serbuk daun kelor dan terigu sebagai bahan dasar, hanya aspek Tekstur yang hipotesis nya di terima yang artinya segi Tekstur sama dengan mie pada umumnya. Secara keseluruhan hasil uji hipotesis yang diajukan terbukti ada pengaruh penggunaan campuran serbuk daun kelor dalam bahan dasar mie nemun demikian tetap Mie yang menggunakan campuran serbuk daun kelor di sukai oleh konsumen.</p>Sri Larasati
Copyright (c) 2024 Sri Larasati
2024-07-092024-07-0931496010.36276/gastronomyandculinaryart.v3i1.689Beet Flour-Based Pancake Experiment
<p>This study is an experimental research. The research method used in this study is qualitative. The research was conducted within the campus environment of STP AMPTA Yogyakarta. Four experts specializing in pastry were selected as the sources of information. The data collection method used in this research involves primary data obtained through observation and interviews. The testing method in this research includes organoleptic testing, and the data collected were analyzed using descriptive analysis. The results show that the fourth experiment conducted by the researcher yielded the most desirable outcome. Based on the organoleptic test results, beet flour pancakes showed a slight difference compared to wheat flour pancakes in terms of colour, with beet flour pancakes having a dark brown colour, while wheat flour pancakes had a light brown colour. In terms of taste, beet flour pancakes differed from wheat flour pancakes. The aroma of beet flour pancakes was fragrant but still had a beet scent. The texture of beet flour pancakes was not as smooth as that of wheat flour pancakes, as beet flour has a coarser texture. Overall, based on the colour, aroma, taste, and texture, beet flour can be considered as a potential base ingredient for making pancakes.</p>Isna DestianaAyu Hellena CornelliaBudi Santoso
Copyright (c) 2024 Isna Destiana, Ayu Hellena Cornellia, Budi Santoso